Monday, February 26, 2007

Controversial Advertisting

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

An Industry of Cool

Several years ago I was in a rock band called the Brannock Device. We rocked as hard as we knew how but I guess we just didn't rock hard enough. We recorded an EP and then broke up immediately afterward without even playing a cd release party. Only 100 copies were printed and most found their way into the hands of our closest friends but even then some people didn't get one. As much as we all think we could have made this better it still isn't that bad and I think some people out there might enjoy it. I think we put too much work into it for people to not even have the chance to get it.

Here's the lineup for you Erie Rock 'n Roll history buffs.

Vocals-Bob Doerr (later of Midnight Jacks and No Grave But The Sea)
Guitar-Ron (me) Freeman (later of Better For Nothing, Girls Without Boyfriends, and the Deaf Kids)
Guitar-Chris Vogt (later of Better For Nothing, Tiramisu Overdose, and the Deaf Kids)
Bass-Steve Crane (later of the Midnight Jacks and Girls Without Boyfriends)
Drums-Jason Titus (later of Better For Nothing, Tiramisu Overdose, The Balkans, and Girls Without Boyfriends)

As you can see most of the guys joined me in bands later. Jason Titus maintained a very thourough site documenting a lot of the recording going on at this time and all the other projects that he was involved with which included most of us at some point.

Anyway, Here's the music:
The Brannock Device--Here's To You Mp3
The Brannock Device--Session's Too Long Mp3
The Brannock Device--Hold Your Breath Mp3
The Brannock Device--Who's Holding Your Hand Now? Mp3
The Brannock Device--Devil's Jukebox Mp3

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I now have a part time job vending drinks and snacks at sporting events. A little over a week ago I did a Cleveland Browns preseason game and I did the Michigan 400 Nascar Race. The Browns game was a lot of fun but the Nascar race was one of the weirdest experiences in my life. Turns out the people that hired me never bothered to say that it was so loud you went deaf after just a few laps. They also did not tell me that Nascar is the only major sporting event where you can bring your own food and alcohol in. Turns out the guy selling you beer and hot dogs at the ball game is only making tips and commission. Remember kids, as you tip on Earth so shall you be tipped in Heaven.

With all the bus riding and prep work I ended up spending about 17 1/2 hours of my life on this Nascar race. I sure didn't make enough to justify all of my life that was spent at what was basically a festival celebrating gasoline.

If you like car racing I'm not trying to diss what you like but for me it felt like I was in Hell with 350,000 people that were paying to be there. Certainly Hell is a lonesome place but if I had to go I'd rather be alone than with people who were constantly cheering all of the flames and whatnot.

All this brings me up to today's song. As car racing is our most southern sport the Drive By Truckers are our most southern band. Here's their race car song:

Drive By Truckers--Daddy's Cup Mp3

Buy Drive By Truckers on Amazon

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Thous!

Here are a couple of versions of wonderful hymns that you may not have heard.

There is nobody that the blogosphere loves more than Sufjan Stevens and this is from his unreleased but not that hard to find Christmas record (although it's not thought of as a Christmas song). But I have to hand it to Sufjan because this is just the 2nd Christmas record I have, the first being John Denver and the Muppets. Actually I also have the cassette soundtrack to "The Muppet Christmas Carol". So I guess Sufjan made the first non-muppet Christmas record I have.

Sufjan Stevens--Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Mp3

The 2nd one is from Pedro The Lion's "The Only Reason I Feel Secure" which is not a Christmas album. "Be Thou My Vision" might be my favorite hymn ever. It is from a traditional Irish melody and a version of the lyric has been traced back to the 8th century. I remember a discussion with a church musician and he said that modern Christian music was written with a planned obsolescence, that they would be so poppy that they would sound dated within 5 years. It seems a little counterintuitive to write disposable songs about an eternal God.

Pedro The Lion--Be Thou My Vision Mp3

Buy Sufjan Stevens on Amazon
Buy Pedro The Lion on Amazon

Both of these artists work is available on which is how I buy 90% of my music. Click the sidebar for a free trial and they will send me $6! It's a great service and far and away the cheapest way to get music without stealing it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Other Ron Freemans

I admit that I google myself all the time. It's disgusting. The other day for the first time I did a google image search of me and ran across lots of other Ron Freemans who I will share with you now.

This is the famous shot of me peeing on a barn.

The man on the far right is the most famous Ron Freeman, an olympic gold medalist in the 60's. He is standing with fellow olympians Bruce Jenner and Milt Campbell.

This is a homeless Ron Freeman from Chatanooga who has just registered to vote.

Assistant Commander Ron Freeman of the Forsythe County SWAT Team down in Georgia.

Ron Freeman the Hangliding Champion

So for all you bored cubicle dwellers here's my tip for the day. Image googling is way more fun and interesting. Also, I am the handsomest Ron Freeman alive.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Vendredi Canadien

Good friends Canadian Friday are getting very, very close to having an album finished. They are great and make you want to drink more Labatt's.

Canadian Friday--Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right Mp3

Canadian Friday on Myspace

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Help Find This Missing Band!

Ticklepenny Corner was a great little folky band from Wisconsin that I first saw at Cornerstone Music Festival. Unfortunately you really missed this missing band and they never got famous and then faded into obscurity. They last played about 3 years ago and despite persistent googling I have not found any new music. Noah Riemer, the main songwriter, did go on to play drums for The Urban Hillbilly Quartet as well as writing & directing a short film but I have found no new songs. That's a dirty shame 'cuz he was a heckuva songwriter as evidenced by this tune sung by his sister Beth. Any info you may have about the wherabouts of Noah Riemer or the rest of Ticklepenny Corner would be much appreciated.

Ticklepenny Corner--Backseat Driver Mp3

Buy Ticklepenny Corner on Amazon
Buy Ticklepenny Corner on